Marketing advice, brand management & client analysis
Successfully establish your brand with us
In the digital era of course, customer expectations, experiences and connections are completely different to what they were even 10 years ago. Today the Internet and its opportunities, is an integral component of many people's reality and this provides so many opportunities, but risks too. Anyone who can gear themselves up for this can and will, and will be able to deliver to their clients where they are, and provide the information and offers they are looking for.
Traditional competencies in customer approach today are the minimum stake in a competition that is continually accelerating. Today digital and analogue channels, touch points and analogue as well as digital competencies are seamlessly connected with one another, in order to continually improve relationship with customers and meet or exceed rising expectations. The latest technologies and big data help develop the optimum price and the next offer, transporting branding across various digital and analogue channels.
Brand Management, customer analysis and marketing advice
Strong brands are the basis for sustainable added value, after all, they make companies something special from the customer viewpoint. A customer will pay more for a strong brand and they are also happy to be loyal to it, when they are familiar with it. Employees are also happy to work with a strong brand. Strong brands are appealing. Strong brands however are not the product of chance, rather they are the result of purposeful considerations and activities. We support you with developing your brand, positioning it and also revitalising it.
Our approach spans the analysis of the strategic initial positioning to strategy formulation, through to the development of brand building concepts, including the management of marketing methods.
- Establishing a brand portfolio
- Strategic positioning of brands
- Targeted development of innovations, products and services
- Brand design including communication strategies
- Brand management including cost/benefit analysis and assessment
Analysis is a key element too, after all, not every client has the same value from a business point of view. In this context, CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) is an important figure, which achieve the best possible results for you and ensure no resources are wasted. Regular comparison between a specific offer portfolio with customer expectations and the competition plays a central role. Being aware of and fulfilling customer expectations is indispensable for business success. A clear orientation towards client needs is required too.
Product and service packages are to be developed that are maximally client oriented, via which target groups will be able to be inspired. Value creation is also to be oriented in such a way that, asides from a few products supported for strategic reasons, high profits are achieved, and this necessitates clever pricing. Only those who have the requisite pricing-expertise, can find the optimum pricing at any time, for every product and every service, enhancing and securing their profits.
Development of the marketing organisation of our customers, marketing advice, business advice
Concepts will be developed together by us, in conjunction with your structure, so no implementational losses arise. Thanks to this collaboration, a flexible structure along the value-added chain is achieved.
Digitalising in marketing, marketing advice
Marketing and digitalisation are in no way inferior. Both have their importance. We have extensive experience in digitalisation and transformation processes and if required bring in external specialists too. We work with you to analyse your needs, to maximise your added value.
Our method of implementing this is as follows:
Innovation is essential for securing future success and today more than ever is the key for realising growth and competitive advantages. To meet current challenges, including shorter product life cycles and increasing changes in market players, innovative strategies and innovative structures have to be redeveloped.
- A clever innovation strategy along with targeted portfolio management
- Establishing an excellent innovation organisation
- Acceleration of concrete innovation projects in marketing and sales, business advice sales and marketing
What are the trends and what is to be expected in the relevant environment for the specific business? Where will we be with our current methods in 5 or 10 years, and what can we improve? Together we develop realistic future scenarios and analyse trend structures. The aim is to overcome handed down thought patterns and open up specific approached for new paths.
- In collaboration with us, we ascertain an understanding of the change process in your business area
- Insights into future business model options and challenges
- Concrete concepts for future-proof product and service offers
A change in basic conditions always affect strategies and the opportunities of digitalisation themes have a disruptive effect in many sectors. Digitalisation is transformative. It changes the way in which businesses interact with their clients as well as the architecture of added value. In times of platforms and global added value networks, alignment is required more than ever before, and a reliable compass in the variety of digital opportunities.
We develop future-proof digitalisation strategies with our clients, or adapt to suit those available. In so doing, we do not limit ourselves to business strategies, but also work out business area strategies and functional strategies.
- Development/adaptation of business models through digitalisation.
- Introduction of digital technologies into industrial processes to increase efficacy, efficiency and quality.
- Use digitalisation for (global) communication and marketing via online channels.
Value added configurations and courses of action change many sectors in the digital environment by the growth of new disruptive competitors and the shortening of the supply and demand. Add to this completely new client expectations. A poor “digital impression” even has a negative effect on analogue business models.
This results in threats to many new business opportunities and established business models too. The development of new and adapted business models is existential, in order to remain competitive, or enhance their competitive edge. Examples of this include focussing on online trade in a multi channel strategy.
We support you in the development of suitable business models including digitalisation options to optimise access to markets.
The work does not end with the development of a digital business model or digital solutions. Professional implementation as well as change management determine success. Only when employees, processes, partners and systems are suitably synchronised and motivated, can anything new become a success. Working with you we discover how organisation, competencies and processes need to be built upon in the future in order to sell and operate digital solutions and which prerequisites are to be created to yield change management and do not meet with resistance.